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Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent
December 10, 2013
The Image of the Good Shepherd is very prevalent in today’s readings. Our First Reading, Isaiah 40:1-11, literally begins with the word “comfort.”  The closing sentence of this passage is so beautiful and full of powerful imagery as we hear that God feeds his flock like a shepherd, and he gathers and carries the lambs as he carefully leads the ewes.

Continuing with this theme of God as Shepherd, the Parable of the Lost Sheep is  today’s  Gospel  (Matthew 18:12-14).

There is a children’s book, “The Shepherd and the 100 Sheep” by Michal Hudak, which has very lively illustrations.  If you can access a copy of this book, share it with children today.  Below is a video with imagery from this book.  (Note that the children are singing in Swedish!)  You could even make a lamb cake as a treat for children on this Advent weekday!  Here is a link to a cute recipe that does not require a lamb mold cake pan.
Good Shepherd
Early 5th Century
Mosaic, Byzantine Heritage
Galla Placidia Mausoleum, Ravenna, Italy
Are you familiar with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?  This is an extremely gentle, yet powerful, faith formation process for children. All those who experience this process give glowing reports and highly encourage others to come and learn more about this highly engaging Montessori approach to forming children in faith.  Watch the video below and visit the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd website.  Find a parish near you that has an atrium and plan a visit! 
As you light the two candles on your Advent Wreath this Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent, sing and reflect on the beautiful hymn, “Comfort, Comfort Ye My People,” based on today’s First Reading.  You can download this hymn here
The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go search for the one who went astray, and rejoices mightily when he finds his stray sheep.

What speaks to you most in today’s Gospel?  When have you been the shepherd seeking out the one who went astray?  When have you wandered?  Who sought you out and brought you “home”?  And have you ever been “left behind” while someone went in search of another who was lost?  How did you feel in this circumstance?  Were you glad the “shepherd” was seeking the one lost, or did you feel somewhat abandoned?  Ask the Good Shepherd, to speak to you this Advent weekday through these readings.  And ask for the wisdom, courage, and strength to be a good shepherd to those you encounter each and every day.